5G Health Risks

The introduction of the fifth generation (5G) of wireless communication will increase the number of high-frequency-powered base stations and other devices.  The question is if such higher frequencies (24.250 GHz – 86 GHz, millimeter waves, MMW) can have a health impact.  The spread of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) is rising and health effects are very scarcely investigated.  An international action plan for the development of 5G networks has started, with a forthcoming increment in devices and density of small cells, and with the future use of millimeter waves (MMW).  It is argued that the addition of this added high frequency 5G radiation to an already complex mix of lower frequencies, will contribute to a negative public health outcome both from both physical and mental health perspectives.

Here is the crux of the matter.  An article by ScienceDirect noted that there is an understanding that RF-EMF promote oxidative stress, a condition involved in cancer onset, in several acute and chronic diseases and in vascular homeostasis.  “Although some evidences are still controversial, the WHO IARC classified RF-EMF as ‘possible carcinogenic to humans’, and more recent studies suggested reproductive, metabolic and neurologic effects of RF-EMF, which are also able to alter bacterial antibiotic resistance.”  The article also noted that preliminary observations showed that MMW increase skin temperature, alter gene expression, promote cellular proliferation and synthesis of proteins linked with oxidative stress, inflammatory and metabolic processes, could generate ocular damages and affect neuro-muscular dynamics.

A study on 5G Wireless Communication and Health Effects was conducted by SciProof International AB, Vaktpoststigen 4, Östersun Sweden, regarding 6 to 100 GHz MMW range.  The study analyzed 94 relevant publications performing in vivo (various biological entities are tested on whole, living organisms or cells) or in vitro (test is done in glass or plastic vessels in the laboratory) investigations and found that 80% percent of the in vivo studies showed responses to exposure while 58% of the in vitro studies demonstrated effects.  In a recurring theme, the study noted that the available studies do not provide adequate and sufficient information for a meaningful safety assessment or for the question about non-thermal effects.  “There is a need for research regarding local heat developments on small surfaces, e.g., skin or the eye, and on any environmental impact.”  The talking heads of the wireless industry have brashly admitted, when pushed in a US senate hearing, that they have not done any safety studies and they don’t plan to.

Another article from ScienceDirect noted that radiofrequency radiation (RF) is increasingly being recognized as a new form of environmental pollution. Like other common toxic exposures, the effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF EMR) will be problematic if not impossible to sort out epidemiologically as there no longer remains an unexposed control group. “This is especially important considering these effects are likely magnified by synergistic toxic exposures and other common health risk behaviors. Effects can also be non-linear. Because this is the first generation to have cradle-to-grave lifespan exposure to this level of man-made microwave (RF EMR) radiofrequencies, it will be years or decades before the true health consequences are known.” Precaution in the roll out of this new technology was strongly suggested.

Countries like Switzerland and Belgium, and many town councils around the world have halted or are in opposition to 5G over heath concerns.  Switzerland noted further research is required and is awaiting a study by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment.  Slovania and Papua New Guinea halted 5G until they can investigate health effects.  Belgium noted that 5G was not compatible with their radiation safety standards.  There is also strong opposition to 5G in Cyprus who has already removed Wi-Fi from elementary schools and supported a strong educational initiative to educate children and families about cell phones and wireless radiation.  They have developed comprehensive brochures for public health and video public service announcements regarding the issue.  Individual groups are lobbying and petitioning governments world wide to stop 5G.  Many cell towers have also been vandalized.  Even pigeons are opposed.

However, in North America the push is full bore without a care.  Brushing aside any opposition, FCC Chair Tom Wheeler spoke at National Press Club – June 20, 2016 asserting “Stay out of the way”.

The popularity, widespread use and increasing dependency on wireless technologies has spawned a telecommunications industrial revolution with increasing public exposure to broader and higher frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum to transmit data through a variety of devices and infrastructure.  On the horizon, a new generation of even shorter high frequency 5G wavelengths is being proposed to power the Internet of Things (IoT).  The IoT promises convenient and easy lifestyles with a massive 5G interconnected telecommunications network, however, the expansion of broadband with shorter wavelength radiofrequency radiation highlights the concern that health and safety issues remain largely unknown.  5G base stations are more densely placed than their 4G predecessors which also increases people’s exposure to potentially dangerous radiation.  The trade-off for speed at mmWave frequencies is limited range.  Testing of 5G service range in mmWave has produced results approximately 500 meters from the tower, meaning a huge propagation of MIMO-enabled antenna arrays would be required for pure standalone 5G deployment.  Studies have shown that there is a correlation between 5G and health safety.  A new study from the University of Rome, dated 2020/07/16, also correlates 5G with producing Coronaviruses in biological cells. Note that on 2020/07/24, PubMed.gov pulled the research paper – most likely under duress. You can still find an archived abstract here and archived pdf here. When 5G is turned on worldwide, they can blame the health effects on another wave of Coronavirus and continue to herald dystopian top-down measures for control. Controversy continues with regards to harm from current 2G, 3G and 4G wireless technologies.  5G technologies are far less studied for human, animal, plant or environmental effects.  However, it was clear that the studies conducted thus far are not very thorough and it is clear that any previous or further study is being hampered or obfuscated.  Mainstream science keeps extending the COVID-19 list of symptoms. Inclusive known symptoms and health repercussions when 5G goes fully live disguised to mimic a 2nd Coronavirus wave. 5G applications are secondary when it comes to the public but for corporations (data mining, transmission, autonomous vehicles, social credit score system) and for police/military applications (all microchip interconnectivity, surveillance grid, robots, drones) they are a boon.  There is almost no question that a 5G world would place us all under an unprecedented level of surveillance and control; granting unheard of powers to soulless corporate algorithms and authoritarian governments that froth over a technocratic society.  Work on the next-generation 6G cellular technology has already begun.  People suffering adverse-effects from electromagnetic radiation is rising. People need to get rid of their cell phones to crush 5G adoption and Big Brother in one fell swoop.

Colossians 3:25 – “For the wrongdoer will be paid back for the wrong he has done, and there is no partiality.”

 A link to all these studies and more can be found here: https://scholar.google.ca/scholar?q=5g+health+risk+studies&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart